Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Day 13: Write a poem or piece of creative prose.

mmmm.... I cannot write a poem.. that's been my thought about this topic of Sunday's blogeveryday in May prompt for today.. but so far I've managed to keep up to the challenge OK so here goes...

I nearly chickened out now and thought I'd just link up Psalm 96 which we read in our staff meeting today - It's AWESOME! .. but I decided to give poem writing another go.. here's my poem .... Needs a bit of work but it's a start :)

O Lord, you are amazing!
You made the heavens, you made the earth
Of your power and greatness I sing
how of all creation, you did birth.

Oh Lord you are most awesome,
Father, Son and Spirit, three
compared to you I'm just a crumb
Thankyou Lord for saving me!


  1. I am so glad you decided to give it a go. This poem is so sweet and it's meaning so clear. I wonder how you feel now when you look at what you created? Well done to you Sammi

  2. I love this poem. Simple. Inspiring. A perfect reminder of His greatness.

  3. Fantastic...and beautiful!


  4. Aww thanks for your lovely comments.

    Simone, I was glad that I made the attempt!! I am always my biggest critic too though hehe!!


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