... and slack old me has taken a LONG time to post them! Sorry!!

With this award I am required to tell you 5 interesting things about myself ... this was pretty hard - and not sure that they will interest too much BUT I will try:
1. I am a city girl with a country heart.
2. I am obsessed with Copics and colouring with them (oh - you knew?)
3. I love to read fantasy and sci-fi (yes Fran - I even have been reading a few of those Pratchett's lately as DH is a fan)
4. I am a perfectionist (borderline OCD - but can still manage to often have a messy house).
5. 11 years ago, by the grace of God - I understood HIS great love for me in sending Jesus to
pay for all my sin (rejection of him) and am constantly astounded by his love and grace.

This award comes with some questions which have to be answered with one word
(this might be difficult!)
1. Where is your cell phone? stool
2. Hair? growing-out
3. Mother? Orange
4. Father? Cricket
5. Favourite food? CHOCOLATE!!!
6. Dream last night? bizarre
7. Favourite drink? coffee (side note - but have not had any for a few weeks)
8. Your dream/ goal? Mum
9. What room are you in? Living room
10. Hobby? CRAFT
11. Fear? Spiders!
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? unsure
13. Where were you last night? in-laws
14. Something you aren't? loud
15. Muffins? mmm
16. Wish list item? stamps
17. Where did you grow up? Tumbarumba/ Orange
18. Last thing you did? facebook
19. What are you wearing? skirt
20. Your TV? on
21. Your pets? stuffed
22. Friends? yes
23. Your life? constant
24. Your mood? hopeful
25. Missing someone? sure
26. Vehicle? Camry
27. Something your not wearing? socks
28. Favourite store? Crafty
29. Favourite colour? PURPLE
30. When was the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? today
32. Best friend? Guy
33. One place you go to over and over? bed
34. Facebook? yup
35. Favourite place to eat? Greek (in Brighton-Le-Sans)
Do you have these awards yet?? I would like to give it to all my followers (and blurkers).