Friday, 1 January 2010

Welcoming in the New Year!

WARNING: This post is quite long and contains non-crafty, ie. personal life details.
We went to a friends place (about an hours drive north) yesterday afternoon and spent the afternoon / evening there (we got home around 1.30am'ish). This group of friends/ families give each other presents each year. I made ours.
Bags with 12 cards of varying designs - kids + adults etc.

This is the card I made for one of our God daughters - it was at her house last night and this went alongside her present! :D (sorry for the poor photo)... I realised I had no photo when I was supposed to be leaving to pick up Guy.

2009 ---> 2010
Well I cannot believe it's another year! Although I am pleased... I was really looking forward to a new year, new beginnings are mostly always good :) I thought I'd do a post about 2009/ 2010...
Overall I was thinking that last year was pretty bad but my lovely husband reminded me of our blessings and of some very good things too.... so I thought I'd put down a bit of a summary (for me and others if they care to read on).

Lowlights (there is one main theme that overshadows the year):
> finding out early in the year that we would not be able to conceive children without medical intervention (IVF/ ICSI). :( :( :(
> more headaches and being continually run-down/ stressed.
> undergoing two separate rounds of IVF treatment.... which was both physically and emotionally difficult... losing our precious little embryo each time as both did not implant.
(I will write more on this topic at another stage as it is still hard to think and talk about).
> seeing other friends suffer.

♥ Due to the generosity of Guy's Uncle Jacques (who sadly passed away late 2008) we were able to pay off our homeloan and thus I was able to stop working (which is lovely as I was quite stressed).... not working has cut down my stress levels abundantly!
♥ The love and support of family and friends throughout the year.
♥ Our annual trip to Adelaide to visit some very close friends.
♥ A great bible study group!
♥ turning 30 ... and despite the fact that I was dreading it and really not feeling like celebrating anything at that point in time - being spoilt by friends and family.... including having very good friends come to stay for the weekend!
♥ a WONDERFUL holiday to Lord Howe Island with my gorgeous hubby!
♥ meeting many wonderful ladies on an IVF forum + meeting one of them twice during the year.
♥ being chosen to be on the Stamp Spot Design Team along with 4 other wonderfully talented ladies - Thanks Marcia!
♥ the wonderful community of bloggers - and the many great friendships that have developed with other people online! THANKS to all of you! :D

What I'm Looking forward to this year...
* continuing friendships both off and online.
* making lots and lots of cards ... blogging each day (hopefully).
* doing one more cycle of IVF (probably in Feb).
* Bible study + church
* spending time with Guy
* Wii Fit and my personal trainer on the Wii ... ie. losing weight

Overall I am thankful to God and confident that despite what happens - He holds us safe in his hands and has a great plan!
Praise Him!!

If you made it this far thanks for reading!! xxx


  1. sounds like you had a lot of downs but more ups than that. I too am thankful for the wonderful friendships that have spawned from blogging and hope they will continue over the year.

    Too bad you are so far away from me as I would meet up with you. Big hugs. Happy New Year. Hoping it is a good one for us all.

  2. WOW Sammi, what a year you have had.. The one that touched my heart was the loss you would have felt with the IVF.. I wish you all the best this year and hope a little miracle comes your way.. BIG HUGS for you.. Bec xx

  3. Oh wow Sammi, Im so sorry about your IVF troubles I really am. I hope that 2010 brings some miracles and happiness for you. Good things come to those who wait, and I believe in my heart this will happen for you.
    Take care
    Kristy xo

  4. I was so sorry to read about your troubles concieving and your failed attempts at IVF. I was told a couple of years ago that I may never be able to have children and it took over a year of different tretments before we were blessed with our boys. It was a very dark time in my life, but i'm sure if you stay positive wonderful things will happen for you too!
    Oh, and I never would have guessed you were 30, I would have said mid 20's :)

  5. Glad you were able to reflect on some of the good things that came along with the not so good things this year - it can be hard to do! I hope to spend heaps more time with you this year - I've missed you since I don't see you at Bible study every week! Big hugs. :)

  6. OMG Sammi,I am so sorry to hear about your IVF troubles.Giving up work and lowering your stress levels must be a blessing,I will be thinking of you and hope that 2010 will bring you a little miracle.Take care of yourself.
    Hugs xx

  7. BTW love your handmade gifts,they are brilliant and everyone must have loved them!!!
    Hugs xx

  8. Dear Sammi, You and Guy are such a blessing to me. I'm sorry for the tough things, and I have cried with you for the sad things, but ultimately we still have the greatest of all - our Lord as our Saviour and our family of believers. xxxooo
    PS blog candy lolololol

  9. BiG HuG sammi . you have been through a lot , keep being positive . All the best for 2010

  10. Sending you a BIG virtual HUG Sammi. Embracing life strongly as you do, and making a blog full of love and enthusiasm and nurturing loving relationships is all powerful stuff.


Thanks for stopping by and leaving me some love - I love to read your comments and to come and see your blogs too!