I have gone AWOL from my Top 10 (and added 2 more in) again this year as I like to choose a favourite creation for each month of the year... HERE they are ... I've linked them to the original postings if you want to see more about them :) I've done a few new thing this year... CARDmaking yes... some off the page, some more Art journaling and canvases and I sorta picked up that Smashbook bug too... so there's a range of different things below!!
I love The Greeting Farm and how you can swap and change the different stamps to merge them into a new creation... It makes me want to buy them all (even though I have to do that anyway) to get not one more but numerous more possibilities! I had a lot of fun making these Miss Anya's look like the Baby Sitter's Club girls :)
I was thrilled to be a Guest for Sweet November at the start of the year. I just love Amy's creations so was glad to play along with her CUTE little Shrooms... I still LOVE this canvas I created. This is sitting on the bookcase in our study!!
I created a little mini album for Guy to celebrate 10 years of marriage! I still am pretty pleased with how these versions of us turned out! :D
More altering for TGF... I was pretty stoked (BIG dream always to design for TGF) to be a Guest for the Farm during the year!! I love the colours and my colouring on this one!!
Ahhh... cute little Spesch Stamps troll.. I love this one!!
I got (I still BLAME EMMA ;) tee hee) into Smashing and this was my second and still favourite Smash page so far!! My problem with Smashing is the pages are never as good as I want them to be!
A pixie creation! Still love Kathy's gorgeous Pixies.. I love how the hair came out on this one!!
More Smashing... and More drawing... I have DRAWN a lot more images this year.. I think these Manga Mob are my favs!!
LOVE this Sunflower girl drawn by Ardith/ As the Crow Flies!! I love my COPICS as this girl was yellow and blue but I didn't like it so she became yellow and orange!! :)
I was thrilled to be part of Kristy's bloggy party celebrations this year!! It was LOADS of fun.. and I love the journal I made for it!!
YES I LOVE Saturated Canary!! I LOVE PURPLE... and PINK and so I do LOVE this card!!!
Another art canvas... These characters are all my drawings for the new stamps I designed this year... Before I decided to stop my shop - Mad for Markers I set up Hatter's Hope... Not sure yet what I'll do with HH!! Anyway I had a LOT of fun with these characters and this tree! I used a few SOG stamps in there too!! :D
Thanks for stopping by... I'll be back NEXT year for more blogging of creations and LIFE :D
I might do another post in the new year on reflections of the year just gone (we'll see)!