Hello everyone .. as we approach Easter let's take a moment to remember Christ's sacrifice on the cross at Calvary, and celebrate his triumphant victory over death! That is the purpose of this hop.. to draw the attention back to Jesus Christ, just as we did with our Christmas version of "Jesus Is The Reason" hop. Easter has become about mythical bunnies, candy and hunting for colored eggs. While they amuse us, these things distract us from the real cause for celebration: the most amazing event in history - the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
This is the card I made for the hop ... I did not have appropriate stamps.. so I printed off a bible passage and then coloured a cross over the top with my Copic markers.. I then masked the cross off and airbrushed the background!
When Christ was scourged, beaten, tormented, spit upon, ridiculed, mocked, nailed to the cross and forced to bear a crown of thorns (Mark 10:34; Luke 23), it was the greatest act of love (John 3:16) the world has ever known. He didn't deserve any of it - He came into this world without sin. But for our sake, because He loves us, He took on our sins and became sin (2 Corinthians 5:21; 1Peter 2:22, 24). He gave Himself as the final, substitutive sacrifice, thereby paying our sin debt in full and proclaiming, "It is finished." (John 19:30) Three days later, after being buried in a tomb, He rose from the dead and walked this earth again (Luke 24; Acts 10:40) before ascending to Heaven (1Thessalonians 1:10) to sit at the Father's right hand (Hebrews 12:2). If you can just begin to picture all of this in your mind, how can you refuse the gift of salvation? I pray you will accept it, if you haven't already!
In light of the true meaning of Easter, we friends of faith have gathered together to celebrate and share the Good News. We invite you to join us: If you came here from the beautiful, joyful
Maria then you are right on track but if not please hop on back to the lovely
Heather's blog!While we cannot even begin to reciprocate the Lord's gift to us, there is "blog candy" on some of the hop stops as a token of appreciation for your comments and encouragement.
We also invite you to celebrate the real "Reason for the Season" by posting your own creation celebrating Christ's Resurrection. There is a place to link on Catherine's blog, and a prize is up for grabs for one randomly selected card/project.
I would like to offer commentors a little candy myself... this will be a pack of Xpress IT blending card (made and perfect for Copic markers)!
Keep on hopping now to
Lorie's lovely blog! Enjoy the hop and God bless!