Do you ever find it hard to get organised?? I sure am at the moment... didn't used to be a problem for me too much when I WORKED in Admin... but now working for myself, spending the days at home I can't seem to do it!!
I am still trying to sort out my Office space... having got a GREAT desk (thanks to an old workmate of Guy's) and so I am making our "spare room" the M4M office and my desk... seems I have too much to fit in though.. and when my "space" is not organised .. I feel like my brain is not organised and then I am not great at getting what needs to be done done... like answering emails and getting on top of admin! grrrr... OK.. there is my blabbing on.. I should be quiet and get moving right?? lol! Oh but first.....Any tips are appreciated here!
Yesterday The Fabulous
Kristy from
Some Odd Girl finished off and sent me Mad for Markers NEW LOGO... I just love it and am so glad I can now share it with you all how cute is our little Mad for Markers girl!! I am so glad Kristy was willing and able to create this new logo for us as I just love her cute little people!!! :D
Ok.... I am now getting a bit more organised.... time for a new publication at Mad for Markers... our next printed project is......

If you would like to send in submissions or get some advertising then please let me know!!!