I am in the midst of cleaning out our spare room... junk room... old study...once part craft room... aka.. the other room in our 2br apartment.... so that we can put a big desk in there for M4M/ craft! Can't wait till it's all sorted and I have a permanent place for "work"!! We will also reclaim our lounge area.. as it's kinda taken over by a shop at the moment...
anyway rambling on aren't I... you do find all types of things when you do a PROPER clean out... and one fun thing I found was a tin of old clear polymer stamps... yup... ones I made with my stamp maker oh maybe 2 years ago... some of you might" remember Crafty Muse?? I used to sell my images... and then was going to do clear stamps... but things happened and I stopped...anyways... I found the stamps and had a play.. lol! Here is my result...

If you remember who she is I might have to find some kind of prize for you! lol!