Yes this video is me chatting about colouring in, practising gratitude and the Gratitude Diary! Bec has a fundraising campaign going for this great project which you can back (and order your own diary) HERE
Check out the facebook page HERE
After having a lovely time on Saturday arvo chatting and colouring with Bec we went to see my MIL in the nursing home... it's tough visiting (she has recently moved into the specialised Dementia ward) and trying to think about things to talk to her about... usually lately we just end up singing songs.. anyway we took her to the cafe they have there and had a coffee. I was telling her about the Gratitude Diary and whilst I thought it was silly and I didn't think that she would follow the conversation I still asked what she was grateful for today. She said that she wasn't sure / doesn't come here often but then said that she was grateful to be with family. It was actually quite a lovely little conversation. I am grateful for these fleeting moments of lucidity and the glimpses we see of the old Pam! Sadly these are not too common but a treasure when they do occur.
What are you grateful for today??