Good morning,
Well by now I guess you realise that I LOVE dolls! Here is a different type of doll to what you would normally see here on Stuff by Sammi. Today, I would like to introduce you to Sarah :)
I am popping on today to share the results of my attempt at "making under" a doll. I really love the Tree Change Dolls :) When I first saw them I was in awe and I just love looking at the transformations ... of course I wanted to give it a go myself... so I did!
It took me a while to remove the face makeup ... and NEXT TIME I WILL WEAR GLOVES!
I originally painted Sarah's face with Acrylic paints... but I was not too happy with the result. I did take a picture...

so I took her face off again and this time I used ... can you guess?? yup, Copics!! :D
Here is a before and after shot of the doll with her make-under :)
What do you think?? In this case I think she looks a bit less scary! :D
I'm not sure I will do anymore but who knows if I find some old worn out dolls somewhere I might give them more life :) meanwhile I might try making some better outfits for Sarah!
Hope you have a wonderful day!