Good afternoon ... I thought I would start a new segment on this blog...
To me "as a Christian" Meditation is about not emptying my mind but filling it with God's word. So each Monday (hopefully) I will be sharing something that I've been learning about God, his word etc and how it effects my life.
I hope you had a great weekend... I did... our church (Wild Street @ Five) had a weekend away on the weekend.... and whilst we didn't stay overnight (this weak gal needed to sleep in her own bed) we went during the days! It was fun to spend time with our brothers and sisters in Christ (We were reminded on the weekend how we are family - one in Christ Jesus ... through his death and resurrection we are united in Him. Because of Jesus.... We can call God our Father - how awesome is that!!!)
We were looking at "the Gender Agenda" - God's good design of men and women ... it was refreshing to be reminded of how God has created us and what he's created us for. Sometimes I can forget that we are part of something bigger. I was challenged to think outside my little world and to spend more time meditating on God's word - The Bible. It really is "sweeter than honey" :D
The campsite was lovely (same as last year) and Saturday was a gorgeous hot spring day... whilst not so great for allergies the blossom trees were looking BEAUTIFUL ... out in full bloom - I had to share the picture I instagrammed on here. There's a bit of a bee/ honey theme unintentionally happening here as that tree was full of little bees!
I thought I would try and record some of the things I learnt/ was reminded of on the weekend in my Pink smash book... Still got a bit to do on it but here's what I've done so far. I think you might find me sharing a few more Smash pages here as this Pink book is set aside for some of my favourite/ inspiring bible verses.
Anyway thanks for stopping by,
I'll be back later in the week to share some Colouring/ Art/ Craft!