I am hoping to be more regular with my blogging again... we'll see... I'm also thinking of making a few changes to this blog... design and perhaps also some extra content (posts not always crafty ... shock, horror - lol - Oh, well .... we'll see!
It's busy times here at the moment... trying to deal with all the housing changes to come... we settle on the 8th of June for the house we are purchasing... not that far away now... exciting but scary! I am really looking forward to having more space - and particularly a separate Mad for MArkers/ crafting room! Yipee!!
Meanwhile we are trying to sell our apartment!! Hopefully this will happen SOON! It means that we have to keep the place decluttered and CLEAN... mmm yes I best go do that again Now as we are having people through tomorrow - outside the normal Sat inspection time! Bye for now!!!