Sunday 15 June 2014

A time I doubted God existed ....

I've been thinking a bit about this topic and wondering if there's been a time since I became a Christian that I've doubted God existed... and I'd have to say that there isn't... there's been times when I've wondered just what his plan is for my life and why certain things happen (and don't happen) to me and others but I'm always confident that he is there and that it's only because of him that I exist.

So this takes me back to before I was a Christian... 16 years ago was when I was assured of God's existence and this happened in 1st year uni... through reading his word (the bible) and hearing people preach the gospel (expounding bible passages) and studying it with other people.

I looked over my journal from Yr 12 yesterday in preparation for this blog post... we had to keep a journal for RE (I went to a Uniting Church school where RE was compulsory -  it was pretty cool... the chaplain would read and leave comments on our entries.. looking back this was a great way for him to be able to know how people were going). Here's an excerpt from that journal...

"I'm still not sure if I believe in God - I can't understand why if there is a god, why does he allow bad things to happen? Is it because he's not perfect too and can't always be there on time, he wants people to be punished for their wrongdoings? It really confuses me. I think I do believe in God to an extent".

That was then.... I now know that God is totally sovereign and in control of everything that happens. He is Omnipresent Ephesians 4:6 helps with that... "one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all". I don't have the complete answers to the topic of suffering.. it is complex.. but I do know that Jesus Christ, God's only son suffered the ultimate penalty.. death and judgement in my place so that I could have a relationship with God and so can anyone who believes. (and will one day be with him in Heaven where there will be no more pain or suffering - just as the Revelation quote on my image tells us.)  Bad things/ suffering are much easier to deal with when you know that there is a Sovereign God in control, who understands and who has a solution. 

(I'm having troubles getting inlinky to work.. so if you want to link up your blog just add a comment with your blog post in the comments section :)

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